
Do you give a refund?

Yes and No. Actually, it depends.

First, we give our customers the option to pause the subscription at any time from their dashboard. This helps customers stop losing money and go through the hassle of asking for a refund.

Plans once purchased will not be refunded. They will be available for use until the validity period is over or the page views allowed under the plan are completely consumed.

However, in a few special cases like incorrect billing and system errors, we do provide refunds on request. In the past, we have also given refunds based on goodwill to a few customers. On a case-by-case basis, we refund up to 80% of the purchased or unutilized amount.

I wasn’t informed about this before

We always make sure to inform you about this before you purchase the plan. We have a screen included in the subscription purchase flow. This screen shows up as soon as you select a plan to purchase. Every customer must click on the “Yes, I understand and agree” button before proceeding to other steps of the purchase flow. A screenshot of the same is given below