
Loading with delay for website speed optimization

Website speed is a critical factor in user experience and search engine ranking. A common practice to enhance speed is to defer the loading of certain scripts, especially those not essential for the initial rendering of the page. This technique ensures that essential content is displayed first, improving the perceived load time for users.

One way to implement this is by using JavaScript to delay the loading of specific scripts, such as a widget or tool that isn’t immediately needed when the page loads. In this guide, we’ll explain how to load the Accessibility Enabler script with a delay to optimize your website’s speed and provide instructions on how to customize the script for your specific needs.

Implementing Delayed Script Loading

Below is a simple method to delay the loading of a script using JavaScript. This example demonstrates how to load an Accessibility Enabler script with a delay of 10 seconds. You can customize the delay time and the widget ID according to your needs.