Accessibility solution in more than 105 languages
We know your visitors are from non-English speaking countries and prefer the language that they are convenient with. That's why our accessibility widget supports over 105 different languages.
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Flexible language preferences management
We have made sure both you as a website owner and your visitors be able to set the preferred language, without forcing the preferences on each other.
Website default language
You can choose a default language of the accessibility toolbar on your website from the admin dashboard. All your visitors can use the toolbar in this language with an easy option to override.
Visitors preferred language
Your visitors on the website can easily change the accessibility toolbar language to the language of their choice. Once done, their language settings get saved and applied on their every visit.
All supported languages are listed here
See what our customers have to say.
Narzędzie zapewnia wszystkie konieczne ułatwienia WCAG 2.0 takie jak powiększenie/zmniejszenie tekstu, kontrasty, zmianę czcionki, tła stron
Narzędzie jest bardzo łatwe w obsłudze i konfiguracji. Narzędzie jest oparte o zewnętrzny silnik i serwer stąd nie popsuje naszej strony
Ognisko Wychowawcze w Jaworowej

It's a great plugin that works on my website. The support team is very helpful and gives you whatever support you may need. I'd certainly recommend this plugin and I'll be sure to use it on other websites.

We need to be ADA compliant this works for us. They charge via traffic and while we get that, it could be easier to figure out ones cost comparable to our traffic. But this is a small suggestion and happy with it otherwise. I recommend it!
Ben Garelick

1000s of happy customers use our accessibility solution
Make your website a better place for everyone
Accessibility Enabler helps thousands of people to overcome their disability every month. Add an accessibility toolbar to your website and build a better society around yourself. Know more about accessibility plugin and accessibility solutions
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