Accessibility Scanner


Accessibility Scanner is a monitoring software that suggests accessibility improvements and finds accessibility issues on the website.

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Meet complete Accessibility Solution that is easy to install and highly customizable. With intelligent and breakthrough design for mobile and desktop, it works flawlessly on any website design.


Any content we create needs a kind of testing or checking.  It is a good practice to test your website against different errors. Of course, you test for grammatical errors. Likewise, you have to perform tests for accessibility errors.

Accessibility Scanner scans your website for any accessibility errors or improvements. It then gives you suggestions to improve the accessibility of your website.

The scanner scans your content by looking at content labels, clickable items, etc. And then suggests improvements like enlarging small texts, increasing contrast and so on.

Yet, you cant relay 100% on Accessibility scanner. As it can’t replace manual testing. Technology can never overtake human intelligence. So it is good to get your website tested manually twice a year based on how often your websites get changed.

As people visit and use the information on your website, they will pass a good word to a few other people. Like this, your website will reach more number of people.

Make your website a better place for everyone

Accessibility Enabler helps thousands of people to overcome their disability every month. Add an accessibility toolbar to your website and build a better society around yourself. Start making your contribution from today.

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