Today we are a small network of talented people who have faced limitations in their day job to build more sensible solutions and create a wonderful experience around it . Back in the day, it started with a single web developer , who faced similar challenges in his day job. The limited control over decision making became a great barrier to bring life to his vision.
This paved the way to the birth of HikeOrders.
Helping to progress towards your higher-order purpose is the sole vision of HikeOrders. To make this vision a reality , we are committed to innovate and implement unique solutions that bring more value on your way.
We aim to build interestingly simple customer-centric solutions to business problems. We discovered that by keeping it simple one can add tremendous value to small and medium businesses – that’s our sweet spot.
We will continue to build solutions that help our customers with their higher-order purpose.
We only engage in an activity where both parties in a business transaction win. A win-win approach must be at the center of our dispute resolution. We don't mind stepping back from our egos and also request the other side to do the same to resolve the disputes. We believe in discovering long-term benefits that emerge out of win-win relationships.
We will always find ways to be innovative with everything we do or create in the business. We strive to make incremental reforms in all areas of our business. We keep ourselves open to ideas that challenge conventional views and drive innovation. Finally, we believe in Frugal innovation and keep doing new experiments to stay relevant and ahead in the market.
We are honest, ethical, and fair in all our activities. We keep our word, deliver on our promises, and acknowledge our mistakes. In all that we do, we believe that our reputation is more important than any other short-term rewards. From time to time, we keep reforming our policies, operating procedures in a manner consistent with the highest standards of integrity.
We are humans - not robots. The company exhibits all-natural human behavior. We connect and care for our associates and for the communities in which they live. It inspires us to be real with one another and tolerant and accepting of our differences. At times, we may show anger. But most of the time we're friendly and fun-loving.
We are here to improve the life of our associates. We help them to progress towards their higher-order purpose. Empowering and educating our associates will lead them to their desired destination. We find ways to keep doing it and scale it when needed. We do this for all our associates, not just customers. In other words, we help people associated with us to grow and aid them with whatever we can.
We love simplicity as it most often leads to an efficient solution with greater clarity. We bring simplicity in all things we do - product, process, marketing, pricing, communication. It helps in better understanding as a whole and embarks on fast improvements later. Simplicity helps to repeat, replicate, and scale in different circumstances of the business.
We are happy to answer chit chat with you and answer your questions on the way.