Pricing that scale with your growth & yet simple

Plan price is based on website's page-view count

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Monthly Plans

Plans Amount
For Brand New Website (Per Website) 40,000
page-views / month
$18 / month
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Pricing FAQ

How do you measure page-views?

Every page your users visit on your website is counted as a page view. That means if a user visits your website and has viewed 5 pages (be it the same page 5 times or 5 different pages) then it is counted as 5 page views. In other words, every time full trust java-script loader is requested it is counted as a one page-view.

When will I be auto-charged?

All our plans have a fixed number of page-views and validity. The validity of the plan is either 30 days or 365 days depending on your selection during purchase. We auto charge you in 2 scenarios 1) When the validity of the plan expires 2) When less than 4000 page-views are left.

How much does Full Trust cost?

Full Trust pricing is based 2 kindly of plan - monthly and yearly. Please refer to the pricing table above.

Do plans expire?

Yes. Plans do expire. All plans have a validity of 30 days ( monthly plan) or 365 days ( yearly plan ). After the expire of the plan you will be auto-charged if enabled.

Do Full Trust affect loading speed ?

Absolutely not! We have taken care of it. Our developer team keeps optimizing for performance on an ongoing basis. We keep improving on all possible factors that affect performance.

Is Full Trust GDPR and CCPA Compliance ?

Yes!Full Trust doesn't store any identifiable personal information of your visitors.

Full Trust can convert prospects into customers faster.

Visitors' trust in your business is a starting point of sales. Full Trust helps you to strengthen it and convert prospect to customer faster.

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